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371 Posts: Stranded One
| so, in studivz wird das schon fleißig gespielt. habe keinen thread hierzu gefunden, deshalb hab ich ein neues thema eröffnet.
ich fang mal an:
der, der es errät, darf das nächste einstellen!
(hab schnell ein anderes rein )
- Editiert von Nizzl am 11.06.2009, 17:25 -
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5647 Posts: Survival Expert Colonel Cool
| Achja ganz wichtig: Nur Bilder aus Season 1-4
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9396 Posts: On Jacob's List Doc
| 2.01?
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371 Posts: Stranded One
| no!
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7635 Posts: On Jacob's List House
| Das ist Juliets Fuß aus Epi 3.16 "One of us"
The plane clears frame, finally free of the Island. Jack Shephard has done what he came to this place to do. He has found his purpose. He has found love, and been loved. He has finally found a way to love himself. The bamboo sways across the blue sky, and Jack Shephard's eye closes one final time. He is gone. The end.
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371 Posts: Stranded One
| jawohl! du bist dran!!
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7635 Posts: On Jacob's List House
| All right, danke.
So, aus welcher Folge stammt den das hier:
The plane clears frame, finally free of the Island. Jack Shephard has done what he came to this place to do. He has found his purpose. He has found love, and been loved. He has finally found a way to love himself. The bamboo sways across the blue sky, and Jack Shephard's eye closes one final time. He is gone. The end.
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371 Posts: Stranded One
| das is schwer! ich weiß es auch net.... gib ma nen tipp!schätze dennoch das es die 2te staffel is
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Gast |
Zitat: | Original von Nizzl
schätze dennoch das es die 2te staffel is |
Es sind doch Dharma Häuschen im Hintergrund
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7635 Posts: On Jacob's List House
| Nein, leider nicht "Eggtown".
The plane clears frame, finally free of the Island. Jack Shephard has done what he came to this place to do. He has found his purpose. He has found love, and been loved. He has finally found a way to love himself. The bamboo sways across the blue sky, and Jack Shephard's eye closes one final time. He is gone. The end.
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Gast | The Economist?
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371 Posts: Stranded One
| wohl wahr! ich weiß nicth welche folge es is aber das war denk ich da, als locke mit sawyer und miles über ben reden und miles sich fragt warum sie ben gestern noch gefesselt haben und heute kriegt er pfannkuchen
- Editiert von Nizzl am 11.06.2009, 18:20 -
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7635 Posts: On Jacob's List House
| @Juliet: Nein, auch die Folge ist es nicht.
@Nizzl: Gilt hier nicht auch die Aussetzregel? Und Nein, 4.09 ist es auch nicht.
The plane clears frame, finally free of the Island. Jack Shephard has done what he came to this place to do. He has found his purpose. He has found love, and been loved. He has finally found a way to love himself. The bamboo sways across the blue sky, and Jack Shephard's eye closes one final time. He is gone. The end.
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Gast | Walkabout? Oder There's No Place Like Home? (könnte auch bei der Orchidee sein)
Edit. oben stand ein falscher Threadtitel.
- Editiert von Nostrand am 11.06.2009, 18:21 -
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Gast | Das wird ein wildes gerate. Also ich gehe auf jeden Fall von Staffel 4 aus...hmmm
Ji Yeon?
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7635 Posts: On Jacob's List House
| @Nostrand: Nicht alles was Boxman schreibt ist Walkabout.
@Juliet: Ne, auch nicht.
The plane clears frame, finally free of the Island. Jack Shephard has done what he came to this place to do. He has found his purpose. He has found love, and been loved. He has finally found a way to love himself. The bamboo sways across the blue sky, and Jack Shephard's eye closes one final time. He is gone. The end.
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Gast | The Other Woman? Maaaan, Locke guckt doch immer gleich
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7635 Posts: On Jacob's List House
| Na, endlich. Ja, es ist die Juliet-Centric und dass du, *Juliet*, das nicht auf Anhieb erraten hast, erfreut mich. Und Locke schaut gar nicht immer gleich...
Also, ich übergebe an dich.
The plane clears frame, finally free of the Island. Jack Shephard has done what he came to this place to do. He has found his purpose. He has found love, and been loved. He has finally found a way to love himself. The bamboo sways across the blue sky, and Jack Shephard's eye closes one final time. He is gone. The end.
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Gast | Wusst ichs doch
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