2418 Posts: Hunter Nikki
 | Hier mein persönliches Lieblingslied aus dem Spiel GTA IV: ka ob das Video Fanmade ist oder von den Machern, aber der Song is IMO der Hammer! Achtung Ohrwurm ...
“Lost is self-contained, seriously we promise. Yes, the mystery surrounding the island may serve an ongoing and easy to follow mythology, but every episode has an beginning, middle and end. More importantly the beginning of the next episode presents an entirely new dilemma to the viewers, that requires no knowledge of the episode that preceded it. Except for the rare two-parter. This is not lip services, we are absolutely committed to this concede. Lost can and will be just as accessible on a weekly basis, as a traditional procedural drama. Viewers will be able to drop in any time and be able to follow exactly what is going on in the story context.”