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Profil von Jate 92 Jate 92
Video-Thread (Apple,Google,Youtube etc.) - 14.02.2008, 17:37:11nach oben
1745 Posts: Hunter
Frau Doktor

OMG das ist genial.

Ich kann net mehr...

Profil von Killua Killua
Video-Thread (Apple,Google,Youtube etc.) - 14.02.2008, 17:47:31nach oben

8856 Posts: On Jacob's List

jop war sehr nett gemacht Gibts da noch mehr von?

Profil von Komohdo Komohdo
Video-Thread (Apple,Google,Youtube etc.) - 15.02.2008, 23:22:54nach oben
Homepage von KomohdoLiveJournalICQ
10507 Posts: Jacob Loves Me!
El Komohdore

Original von Killua
Gibts da noch mehr von?

Einfach mal über die Related Links schauen, da gibt es auf jeden Fall noch mehr. Aber irgendwann wiederholt es sich dann auch.

Ich muss mal die Serie, die ich diese Woche lieb gewonnen habe ein wenig hier bekannt machen. Have fun!

"It's the only way, then they can all forget me.
I got too big, too noisy. Time to step back into the shadows."

"Thanks for being awesome."

Profil von Jate 92 Jate 92
Video-Thread (Apple,Google,Youtube etc.) - 17.02.2008, 14:34:03nach oben
1745 Posts: Hunter
Frau Doktor

Ich find das so genial. Rofl. Enthält ganz leichte Season 4 Spoiler.

Profil von K.C. K.C.
Video-Thread (Apple,Google,Youtube etc.) - 26.02.2008, 16:13:10nach oben

7002 Posts: Survival Expert
We own the night

Bin grad auf yuotube auf ein Interview von Jimmy Kimmel, beim ATAS, mit der Lost Crew samt Produzenten und Schauspieler gestoßen. Habs mir jetzt noch nicht angesehen weil es ziemlich stockend bei mir läuft.

Aber ich glaube kaum das ihr Angst vor Spoiler haben müsst. Außer vielleicht die nicht ABC-Ständler, da das Interview ziemlich neu zu sein scheint.

Teil 1
Teil 2
Teil 3
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Teil 10

Edit: Hab nochmal nachgeforscht, auch nicht ABC Ständler können es sich gefahrlos anschauen, das Interview ist vom 13. Januar 07, Hmmm... doch nicht so neu, wie ich dachte. Aber naja wer ein wenig Zeit kann es sich ja anschauen.

- Editiert von K.C. am 26.02.2008, 16:24 -

Profil von Komohdo Komohdo
Video-Thread (Apple,Google,Youtube etc.) - 27.02.2008, 20:06:01nach oben
Homepage von KomohdoLiveJournalICQ
10507 Posts: Jacob Loves Me!
El Komohdore

Falls es jemand noch nicht kennen sollte.

"It's the only way, then they can all forget me.
I got too big, too noisy. Time to step back into the shadows."

"Thanks for being awesome."

Video-Thread (Apple,Google,Youtube etc.) - 28.02.2008, 10:14:40nach oben


Haha, genau das wollte ich auch schicken, dann lieber:

Die Rache des Jimmy K.


Das ist sooo grandios überzogen aber macht richtig Laune *g*

Profil von MAr0kkAn3r MAr0kkAn3r
Video-Thread (Apple,Google,Youtube etc.) - 02.03.2008, 21:21:29nach oben
Homepage von MAr0kkAn3rICQ
499 Posts: Stranded One

n to the o to the r to the r to the i to the s chuck norris!

I'm the fury in your head.

Profil von Jack23 Jack23
Video-Thread (Apple,Google,Youtube etc.) - 02.03.2008, 21:25:20nach oben
9396 Posts: On Jacob's List

Hatten wir schon im "kurioses aus dem netz thread"

Profil von Mr. Jacob Mr. Jacob
Video-Thread (Apple,Google,Youtube etc.) - 05.03.2008, 18:42:23nach oben

811 Posts: Button Pusher

Kennt jemand das hier schon?

Ich hab mich weggeschmissen!

Rambo - Der beste Koch der Welt!

"Verrückte wissen nicht, dass sie verrückt werden. Die denken, sie sehen endlich klar." John Locke

"Enter the Killzone" out on 26.2.10
27. Mrz. Unikum Erfurt - Record Release Show

Profil von Snuffkin Snuffkin
Video-Thread (Apple,Google,Youtube etc.) - 06.03.2008, 12:19:53nach oben
LiveJournalMSN MessengerICQ
23294 Posts: Jacob Loves Me!
The Darkness

Oh gott, das hat mich grad so zum weinen gebracht. Harry Potter ftw!


Profil von Flagg Flagg
Video-Thread (Apple,Google,Youtube etc.) - 06.03.2008, 19:19:55nach oben
Homepage von Flagg
11275 Posts: Jacob Loves Me!
Mel's Pornflake

LOOOOOL so ein geiler Hund


Profil von Salocin Salocin
Video-Thread (Apple,Google,Youtube etc.) - 07.03.2008, 23:55:34nach oben

8597 Posts: On Jacob's List
Grrr. Argghh.

Dumm gelaufen

Hapless robbers target biker meeting

Story Highlights
Two masked, machete-wielding robbers burst into club and empty cash registers
50 bikers meeting in adjacent room hear commotion and intervene
One would-be robber ends up hogtied; the other in hospital
Police arrest men and charge both with attempted armed robbery
By CNN's Saeed Ahmed
(CNN) -- Two masked and machete-wielding men who barged into a club in Sydney, Australia, couldn't have picked a worse night for their robbery -- a monthly meeting of bikers.

About 50 burly bikers fought back with tables and chairs -- pretty much anything that wasn't bolted down. One would-be robber was tied up; the other in the hospital.

Police arrested both.

"These guys were absolutely dumb as bricks," Jerry Vancornewal, leader of the bikers, told CNN Thursday. "I can't believe they saw all the bikes parked up front and they were so stupid that they walked past in."

Vancornewal and his buddies were at the Regents Park Sporting and Community Club in Sydney when the two men wearing ski masks stormed in Wednesday night. They yelled at patrons to drop to the floor as they emptied cash registers at the bar.

Hearing the commotion from an adjacent room, Vancornewal and his pals with the Southern Cross Cruiser motorcycle club stomped through to the bar area to intervene.

"They (the robbers) thought they had the upper advantage with their knives and their machetes," Jim Webb, night supervisor of the club, told CNN. "They didn't expect to run into a bunch of guys carrying chairs and tables."

One of the would-be robbers crashed through a plate-glass door and jumped off a balcony.

"All he had to do was push the button and it automatically opened," Webb quipped.

New South Wales police said they arrested the 20-year-old man a short distance away.

The second man made a break for it through the club's service entrance, but the bikers tackled him near a neighbor's fence.

"We just grabbed him, crash-tackled him to the ground, hogtied him with electrical wire and left him for the cops," Vancornewal said.

Police confirmed in a statement that club patrons subdued the second man until officers arrived, but did not provide additional details. The suspect turned out to be a 16-year-old boy.

Both would-be robbers were charged with attempted armed robbery and "face disguised with intent to commit indictable offense," police said.

A third person, who was waiting in a getaway car, took off when the bikers threw pieces of furniture at him, Webb said. Police have not located him.

The Regents Park Sporting and Community Club is a place where locals come to enjoy drinks and take part in various games: cricket, soccer, lawn bowling. The biking enthusiasts meet there once a month to plan rides and other club activities.

In the last year or so, criminals have struck the club about 10 times, Webb said. And Wednesday night's incident, while unusual, wasn't the most memorable.

"We have these old bingo players and they are really serious about their games," Webb explained. "They do not like to be interrupted."

When robbers barged in one evening and announced that they were holding up the place, the players turned around and testily told them to be quiet.

"They were making it difficult for the players to hear the numbers being called," Webb said.


Profil von Flagg Flagg
Video-Thread (Apple,Google,Youtube etc.) - 08.03.2008, 15:26:37nach oben
Homepage von Flagg
11275 Posts: Jacob Loves Me!
Mel's Pornflake

Scheiße passiert

Profil von Tony Army Tony Army
Video-Thread (Apple,Google,Youtube etc.) - 10.03.2008, 17:17:28nach oben
Homepage von Tony Army
5184 Posts: Survival Expert
Goddamn Hero

Ob die noch Mitarbeiter suchen?

Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn.

Profil von Komohdo Komohdo
Video-Thread (Apple,Google,Youtube etc.) - 10.03.2008, 17:24:45nach oben
Homepage von KomohdoLiveJournalICQ
10507 Posts: Jacob Loves Me!
El Komohdore

Ich will auch!

Original von Tony Army
Ob die noch Mitarbeiter suchen?


- Editiert von Komohdo am 10.03.2008, 17:40 -

"It's the only way, then they can all forget me.
I got too big, too noisy. Time to step back into the shadows."

"Thanks for being awesome."

Profil von HappyChild HappyChild
Video-Thread (Apple,Google,Youtube etc.) - 10.03.2008, 23:19:36nach oben
7853 Posts: On Jacob's List

Das ist ja mal genial

Ich mir den Tony da drin perfekt vorstellen

Profil von Tony Army Tony Army
Video-Thread (Apple,Google,Youtube etc.) - 23.03.2008, 09:40:16nach oben
Homepage von Tony Army
5184 Posts: Survival Expert
Goddamn Hero

Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn.

Profil von HappyChild HappyChild
Video-Thread (Apple,Google,Youtube etc.) - 23.03.2008, 11:01:41nach oben
7853 Posts: On Jacob's List

Das schöne Lied ...

Profil von MAr0kkAn3r MAr0kkAn3r
Video-Thread (Apple,Google,Youtube etc.) - 23.03.2008, 15:28:50nach oben
Homepage von MAr0kkAn3rICQ
499 Posts: Stranded One

als ich vor 2 wochen das lied zum ersten mal gehört hab, hab ich´s mir bestimmt danach noch 20 mal angehört '

jünge ... xD

I'm the fury in your head.

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