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Profil von Strandkorb Strandkorb
3.14 Expose - 28.03.2007, 19:33:47nach oben

3300 Posts: Leader

Hier die vermutliche Episodenzusammenfassung:
[/spoiler]Episode starts with Nikki frantically burying something and running out of jungle as Hurley and Sawyer play ping pong. All she can say is Paolo Lies then she collapses and dies almost immediately before they can respond.

They notify Jin, Sun, Charlie and go to look for Paolo who is lying in the Jungle dead as well. No visible signs for cause of death to either except Nikki’s dirty finger nails and Paolo missing a shoe which is in a nearby tree a couple of feet away.

Nikki’s/Paolo flashback

Nikki dressed as a stripper is on a TV show called Expose her character is killed off by Billie Dee Williams. At the end of filming she walks off the set with Director of the show who is an old fart. She tells him she’s not going back to LA because she’s in love with him. Later at his home his new chef Paolo is serving them.

Old man gives her a diamond bracelet says that the ring will come eventually but his wife….. ahhh. Then he dies by Nikki calls out to Paolo as old man is dieing and they just watch him die. She opens his shirt and grabs a chain and key from around his neck. They go to the safe and take out the diamonds. (yes the rumors are true)

Four days later they are at the airport reading the obituary of the Director. Paolo is quitting smoking and has nicotine gum. Boone and Sharon are arguing and they ask for one of the chairs next to him. But walk away arguing.

They take us back to the original crash scenes and have Nikki running around she looks too clean and out of place. She is running around searching she thinks Dr. Artz is Paolo. When she finally finds him she asks him are you OK. Do you have the bag? (diamond bag)

The next few days they try to find bag. They run into Ethan nothing really happens there. Then Nikki goes to Dr. Leslie Artz and asks about trajectory to recover there bags so Paolo can get his “nicotine gum?” Or at least that’s what they told Ethan and Dr. Artz.
Nikki notices Dr. Artz has a whole bunch of glass jars. With according to him very rare and undiscovered species.

He shows her a poisonous spider and tells her she is very powerful and gives off such a strong pheromone that many males will come to her to mate. (predictable)

Paolo is Jealous and isn’t even sure she would be with him if not for the diamonds. Anyway they set out through the jungle and easily find Semi’s Beechcraft in which Boone dies. Paolo refuses to go up because it looks unstable. Then they walk over and discover the Pearl hatch. They open the door but Nikki doesn’t let Paolo go down. (This is dumb)

Nikki becomes obsessed looking for it then one day Kate is arguing with Artz and Sun about the guns they found underwater in the case. Nikki sends Paolo in to look he finds the bag but doesn’t tell her.

Locke sees him trying to bury something to close to the beach and says were all entitled to our secrets but nothing buried here stays buried, the island is eroding with the high tide you should go inland.

He ultimately goes back to the Pearl station and hides it in the water basin of the toilet. As he is in there Henry and Juliette walk in and turn on the center monitor and see Jack. Juliet asks if that is Dr. Shepard to which Henry replies yes she comments that he is cute.

Ben mentions the only way to get Jack to do his surgery is by manipulating him. Find something he cares about and exploit it. We’ll use Micheal. Juliet asks if they can leave because the place gives her the creeps. They leave (I don’t know how they didn’t notice the hatch door open but they must have used a tunnel or this was a major oooppps) As he leaves he finds one of the others walkie talkie in perfect working order.

Later when Locke says we’re going to the pearl station who wants to come? Paolo is worried Nikki will find them so he tags along and recovers the diamonds and hides it down his pants and that’s when you see him exit the bathroom from the earlier episodes.

Back in present time our losties assume it was the others Sun comments about how they easily got in and kidnapped her and probably would have killed her. Sawyer goes through Nikki and Paolo’s belongings and discovers the walkie talkie in full working order. Sawyer uses his gun that nobody knows about to do a “perimeter sweep” or so he says. Charlie comes clean to Sun about the kidnapping saying he wasn’t himself. She got mad and left.

Hurley asks Desmond who did it? Figuring he could use his “see the future powers”. He doesn’t know who it was but he saw Nikki and Sawyer fighting earlier.
Sawyer had previously told Hurley he didn’t know Nikki. Hurley now gets suspicious of Sawyer. Hurley demands the gun from him.

Sawyer tells them how Nikki and he fought because she wanted a gun and he wouldn’t give her one. And then he looked for whatever she had buried and found the Diamonds he throws them to sun tells her to keep them. They figure that Nikki and Paolo must have killed each other.

Sawyer is at work digging the graves when Sun confronts Sawyer which (we see in the promo) she gives back the diamonds and say they are worthless here and then she decks him and leaves.

As they bury Nikki and Paolo a final flashback

Sitting on the beach Paolo tells Nikki he’s happy they never found the diamonds it would have ruined them. Paolo goes to get them some food. When he leaves Nikki notices nicotine gum has fallen from his pocket. She goes to Sawyer for a gun but he refuses. You then see them in the jungle she has a surprise for him when they are in a clearing she says I found the diamonds.

Paolo says what? She says, you have them give them to me. They argue a bit he’s afraid to lose her. She takes out the poisonous spider and throws it to his neck. He squishes it in his hand but not before he gets bitten. She tells him the spiders effects should start soon since he got bit on the neck.

It will not kill him but paralyze him for eight hours it will immobilize you and slow your heart rate down so much a physician couldn’t even tell if you were alive. Being paralyzed allowed her to search him and find the diamonds. The squishing of the spider let out the pheromone and many other male spiders came and one bit Nikki on the ankle which gave her a little time to bury the diamonds and run to Sawyer and Hurley.

Back to present time, Hurley is delivering a eulogy and Sawyer sprinkles the diamonds on Nikki and Paolo then people start to leave for a brief moment you see Nikki open her eyes and Hurley and Sawyer jump down saying she’s alive! But that seems to be what Nikki is thinking because they jump back to Hurley and Sawyer shoveling sand on them. Nikki does seem to open her eyes just and the sand is dropping on her face and nobody notices. The next scene is when they are done burying them the sand is a large mound and they are buried in a double wide grave several feet down.

It seems that we buried them alive (hopefully). I’ve been buried up to my neck lying down on the beach just a few inches below the surface and you can barely move if they get out it, it would be ridiculous. But mysterious things happen on this island.

The end [spoiler]

Ich hab mir jetzt nicht die Flashbacks durchgelsen. Aber das Nikki und Paulo schon 2x in der Pearl waren (zumindest Pauolo) bevor Locke und Co da waren und Paulo dann auch noch Ben & Juliet sah, als sie Jack aussuchten, halte ich wohl für unwahrscheinlich. Wäre schon toll, aber klingt für mich nicht sehr glaubwürdig ...
Aber das Ende scheint wirklich spannend zu sein

3.14 Expose - 28.03.2007, 19:45:19nach oben


Nun ja ich bin noch nicht wirklich begeistert von dieser Folge. Von dem was ich bis jetzt gehört habe sieht das für mich wieder nur ein wenig wie ein Lückenfüller aus. Falls das so sein sollte gehe ich stark davon aus das 3x15 dafür wohl wieder richtig reinhauen wird.

3.14 Expose - 28.03.2007, 19:49:14nach oben


Habe mir die Episodenbeschreibung nicht durchgelesen,
aber haben die Macher nicht versprochen, das es in dem Nikki/Paolo Flashback "special" Informations gibt, und die Beiden zu richtigen Helden mutieren....

3.14 Expose - 29.03.2007, 02:10:01nach oben


ich sag nur razzle-dazzle !!!! hahahahaha

ach ja hier mal ne übersetztung zu razzle-dazzle.

3.14 Expose - 29.03.2007, 08:28:23nach oben


"Effekthascherei" würde nach jener Definition wohl am ehesten passen.

Aber wer noch nicht das urbandictionary für alle Möglichen Slang-Ausdrücke und mehr kennt, der schaue auch mal hier:

- Editiert von diMaggio am 29.03.2007, 08:29 -

3.14 Expose - 29.03.2007, 14:08:34nach oben


uiuiuiui also das war mal wieder ne geile folge !! klar kommt die nicht an die letzte ran aber ich fand sie genial und vor allem ist somkey wieder in Action

Der Schluss is schon krass. Lebendig begraben uiuiui das is bestimmt kein Spaß Ob die da wieder irgendwie raus kommen ?
Könnt ihr mir sagen was Lock genau gemeint hatte zu Paolo ? Ich hab nur das verstanden das er meint das: alles was vergraben wird auf dieser Insel wieder zum Vorschein kommt.
Was meint ihr ?

3.14 Expose - 29.03.2007, 14:14:45nach oben


Locke meinte das natürlich schon tiefsinnig.
Es passiert ja auch immer wieder, dass die Vergangenheit, welche manche Losties "vergraben" haben, sie auf der Insel wieder einholt und somit wieder zum "Vorschein" kommt.

Aber in diesem speziellen Fall hat er es zusätzlich benutzt, um Paolo darauf aufmerksam zu machen, dass der Sand sich immer wieder bewegt usw. und dass es ergo eine sehr schlechte Stelle wäre, um dort etwas zu verstecken, das man später wieder finden will.

Ach und BTW, das hier war eigentlich nur der Spoilerthread zu der Folge, als sie noch nicht lief.
Den aktuellen Diskussionsthread zur Folge findest du hier bei "ABC-Folgen & -Diskussionen".

- Editiert von diMaggio am 29.03.2007, 14:17 -

3.14 Expose - 29.03.2007, 18:48:10nach oben


boa ey ,
wenn ich mir das hier so durchlese, bin ich froh dass ich mich nicht mehr spoilern lasse...
dann hätte die Folge ja gar keine Überraschungen mehr gehabt...
also denn bis nächste Woche

3.14 Exposé - 30.03.2007, 16:16:57nach oben


Eigentlich könnte man diesen Thread doch schließen, oder?
Die Folge wird ja jetzt gerade ex post besprochen.

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