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Profil von b3rt4 b3rt4
Final Season - Season 6 - 08.03.2010, 15:08:16nach oben
Homepage von b3rt4LiveJournal
595 Posts: Button Pusher

Original von mu4dder
solltest du eigentlich wissen, denn du hast damals mitgepostet wie ich darin lesen kann...

Und auch da habe ich geschrieben, dass die Synopsis fake war.
Worauf willst du also hinaus?



Final Season - Season 6 - 08.03.2010, 15:18:42nach oben


dass vor den episoden mehr infos draußen waren.
ich hab von reviews gesprochen und nicht von den geleakten synopsis'es

Profil von Strandkorb Strandkorb
Final Season - Season 6 - 09.03.2010, 20:39:56nach oben

3300 Posts: Leader

Relax, it’s not just you. As answers start rolling in at an overwhelming pace in Lost’s final season, our skulls are similarly swirling. So we posed your queries to usually tight-lipped exec producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, as well as to the show’s stars as they prepare to shoot their last two episodes ever.

Is it significant that Jacob met Hurley after he left the island as opposed to the other “candidates,” whom he met pre-crash? —Denise Nash, Islip, N.Y.
“I was wondering about that, too!” admits Jorge Garcia (Hurley). “If the people Jacob visited before the crash were drawn to the island because of his influence, then what would have drawn Hurley to the island?” Apollo Bars, maybe? Actually, says Lindelof, “the more operative question is ‘How long was Jacob watching Hurley?’”

Why was Sun the only one out of the Oceanic Six to not travel back to 1977? —Elizabeth, via e-mail
Yunjin Kim believes the motive was a practical one: “To delay Sun and Jin’s reunion,” she says. The good news: Kim says she has shot an on-island reunion scene with Jin, though “it is very brief but for a good reason.” Uh-oh.

If Oceanic Flight 815 never crashed and landed safely in Los Angeles, then are all those who died—Libby, Michael, Shannon—still alive? —Michael Davis, Bronx
In some instances, yes, as with Locke’s girlfriend Helen, Sayid’s love Nadia, Charlotte and Shannon, who is alive and will reappear toward the end of the season. But for folks like Michael and Libby, it ain’t looking good. “I’m still dead, dead, dead,” reveals Harold Perrineau, who recently shot two upcoming island scenes with Garcia where they discuss Libby.

The date on Claire’s ultrasound— as seen in the Season 6 premiere—says 10-22-04. Oceanic Flight 815 crashed on 9-22-04. Where did the month go? —Victoria Caruso, Valley Stream, N.Y.
“Actually, that was her due date,” clarifies Lindelof.

If the castaways traveled forward in time after the bomb, how is the VW van still in mint condition? It should have aged! —Connie Dirig, Ind.
“Unlike in the Terminator movies, when we time travel, we travel with our clothes on—which is a good thing,” says Garcia with a laugh. “So I guess if we were in contact with the van at the time, it’s possible the van came with us. Or perhaps just the island traveled, as we stayed exactly where we were, like Juliet, who ended up in more or less the same spot—just a little more messed up.” (As in dead!)

Last we saw Vincent, he was with Rose and Bernard. Where is he now? And where is he in the alternate reality? —April Pedersen, via e-mail
Lindelof confirms the last time we saw this happy island family, they were living peacefully in 1977. But, says Cuse, “All we can say is you’ll see Vincent again in the course of the show, and we promise he’ll have a happy ending.”

In the flash-sideways, Locke’s dad, Cooper, is invited to Locke and Helen’s wedding. So how did Locke get paralyzed? —Pamela, via e-mail
Cuse and Lindelof love this question and hint that we may be seeing Cooper again as well as learn just how Locke was paralyzed. “It’s obviously something different,” says Cuse. “Since you don’t invite kidney-stealing con men who pushed you out of fourth-story windows to your wedding!”

What’s the deal with Walt? I believe he was one of the only nondead characters whose apparition appeared on the island. —Megan W., Lansdowne, Pa.
All Lindelof will say is that Walt is a character who has “special abilities.” Whether that apparition was the actual Walt or the Smoke Monster is “to be determined.” BTW, Cuse adds that they are conceptualizing a way to reintroduce Walt before the show’s end. Yay!

In his alternate reality, Jack has a son named David. But who is the kid’s mother? —Trent, via e-mail
Presumably Jack’s wife, Sarah—at least that’s what actress Julie Bowen expects. “If I’m not the mom, I’ll feel betrayed!” says Bowen. “Who the hell was he sleeping with?” We may soon find out for sure since Bowen is headed to Hawaii this month to shoot a special episode of her ABC sitcom, Modern Family. “It has been challenging to get her back in the show because of Modern Family, but it seems extremely nice that she’s going to be in Hawaii…” Cuse says cryptically.

I was surprised/shocked Kate’s name was crossed out in the cave but then her name popped up on the dial in the lighthouse. What’s up with that?— Lyly Ford, France
The real question, says Lindelof, is: “What is the relationship between the lighthouse and the cave? There are several possibilities.”

I don’t trust MIB, but it does seem like everyone is happier in the alternate reality without the Island. What’s up with that? —Denise, via e-mail
Sorry Denise. The cast doesn't seem to share your assumption. For instance, Yunjin Kim says Sun will start off seemingly happy in her alternate world, “but I can’t say she ends up being happy.”

So will we ever learn why women couldn’t carry babies to term on the island? Isn’t that the whole reason Juliet was brought over by Dharma in the first place?—Jean B., via e-mail
Lindelof says the show is not going to specifically state why, however, “we feel like we’ve given you the empirical data so you can figure it out for yourself.” Hmm… a little more help please for the clueless? “Clearly Ethan was born on the island in 1977,” continues Lindelof. “That’s the last baby that we know of who was born on the island. And then something happened between 1977 and when our show takes place in 2004 (when Claire arrived eight months pregnant) where it’s been a long time since women have been able to have babies on the island. What might have happened between those two points that could have created fertility issues?”

So why is baby Aaron so special?—Jennifer, via e-mail
“There’s a running theme with special children on our show – like Aaron and Walt,” notes Yunjin Kim. But more than being concerned if Aaron can “shoot lasers out of his eyes,” Cuse says fans should focus on how his existence is effecting characters on the island, specifically Kate, who “stated that her mission was to go back to the island and find Claire and bring her back to the outside world so she could be the mother to her own child.”

If Jacob died in the fire, then can we trust the “person” appearing to Hurley? Couldn’t it be the Man in Black taking another form? — Jeremy, via e-mail
Nope, says Garcia. “Hurley is the only one who can see Jacob, so I’m pretty confidant that is indeed Jacob,” he says. Confirms Cuse, “You can trust that's a reliable representation of Jacob.”

Why is the Man in Black now “stuck” in Locke’s body as Ilana mentioned? —Rob M., San Diego, Ca.
Per Lindelof, “There are all these rules that govern the way the island works, and one of them is that when Jacob died, whatever form the Monster was in at that time he cannot change anymore.”

Is Sayid a dead man walking?—Connor, via e-mail
“No,” maintains Naveen Andrews. “He's not dead. For me, he's still the same person, just bereft of a soul.”

Who are the other unrecognizable names on Jacob’s wheel and in the cave? Names of friends and crew members perhaps?—Holly, via e-mail
Lindelof assures that “a tremendous amount of time and energy went into the name selection on both the (cave) wall and the wheel, and to give shout-outs to pals or crew members would somehow lessen all the time and energy that Jacob has apparently put in to choosing his candidates.” So we may or may not learn more about who those other names are.

Read more: http://spoilerslost.blogspot.com/2010/03/latest-from-tv-guide-magazine-march-9th.html#more#ixzz0hi5ATUtu

Recht interessante Antworten

Profil von b3rt4 b3rt4
Final Season - Season 6 - 10.03.2010, 20:02:33nach oben
Homepage von b3rt4LiveJournal
595 Posts: Button Pusher

Neue Set Photos fuer 6.16, zieht euch das mal rein.




Final Season - Season 6 - 10.03.2010, 21:54:46nach oben


"Why is the Man in Black now “stuck” in Locke’s body as Ilana mentioned? —Rob M., San Diego, Ca.
Per Lindelof, “There are all these rules that govern the way the island works, and one of them is that when Jacob died, whatever form the Monster was in at that time he cannot change anymore.”

Spätestens nach dieser Info sollte klar sein, dass Christian eine Inkarnation von MiB ist. Bis kurz vor dem Tod von Jacob läuft Christan noch rum (trifft Sun&Frank in Dharmaville) und wart nach Jacob's Tod nicht mehr gesehen. Ich denke nicht, dass er nochmal auftaucht.

Final Season - Season 6 - 10.03.2010, 23:29:10nach oben


Original von Fallout
"Why is the Man in Black now “stuck” in Locke’s body as Ilana mentioned? —Rob M., San Diego, Ca.
Per Lindelof, “There are all these rules that govern the way the island works, and one of them is that when Jacob died, whatever form the Monster was in at that time he cannot change anymore.”

Spätestens nach dieser Info sollte klar sein, dass Christian eine Inkarnation von MiB ist. Bis kurz vor dem Tod von Jacob läuft Christan noch rum (trifft Sun&Frank in Dharmaville) und wart nach Jacob's Tod nicht mehr gesehen. Ich denke nicht, dass er nochmal auftaucht.

seh ich auch so - aber dann sollte eine aufklärung kommen, warum er den aschekreis um jacobs hütte durchbrechen konnte.

Profil von b3rt4 b3rt4
Final Season - Season 6 - 15.03.2010, 14:15:50nach oben
Homepage von b3rt4LiveJournal
595 Posts: Button Pusher

Scorecard fuer die Folgen 10-16


Hmmm, berauschend sieht das ja nicht unbedingt aus.



Final Season - Season 6 - 15.03.2010, 15:11:46nach oben


Original von b3rt4
Scorecard fuer die Folgen 10-16


Hmmm, berauschend sieht das ja nicht unbedingt aus.

Wieso, so schlimm sieht's nicht aus.
Bis auf 6.13, die übelst abfällt...
naja kein Wunder bei ner Claire Centric

Naja... und das 6.16 nicht der Brüller wird, ist ja auch irgendwie klar,
wo doch der ganze Maincast tot ist

- Editiert von Fallout am 15.03.2010, 15:14 -

Profil von b3rt4 b3rt4
Final Season - Season 6 - 15.03.2010, 15:18:06nach oben
Homepage von b3rt4LiveJournal
595 Posts: Button Pusher

Ja, aber gerade von zum Beispiel Folge 15 haette ich mehr erwartet.
Dabei liegt Folge 14 gut im Rennen, da scheint also etwas Grosses zu passieren.



Profil von b3rt4 b3rt4
Final Season - Season 6 - 19.03.2010, 19:07:35nach oben
Homepage von b3rt4LiveJournal
595 Posts: Button Pusher

Gut zu wissen, dass das geklaert wird.




Profil von Strandkorb Strandkorb
Final Season - Season 6 - 19.03.2010, 19:23:26nach oben

3300 Posts: Leader

Auf jeden.

Vote 4 Alien!

Profil von b3rt4 b3rt4
Final Season - Season 6 - 19.03.2010, 19:45:40nach oben
Homepage von b3rt4LiveJournal
595 Posts: Button Pusher

Original von Strandkorb
Vote 4 Alien!



Profil von Strandkorb Strandkorb
Final Season - Season 6 - 19.03.2010, 21:28:27nach oben

3300 Posts: Leader


Weisst du eigentlich schon, wass die 4 Buchstaben Bedeuten, die die Insel "enthüllen" ?

Profil von b3rt4 b3rt4
Final Season - Season 6 - 19.03.2010, 22:38:47nach oben
Homepage von b3rt4LiveJournal
595 Posts: Button Pusher




Profil von lostfan89 lostfan89
Final Season - Season 6 - 20.03.2010, 02:28:44nach oben
Homepage von lostfan89MSN Messenger
215 Posts: Lost One

Hallo weis jemand ob man bei einer folgen sehen wird wer die Statue und der Tempel gebaut oder wie jacob und the rest auf die Insel gekommen sind. Wenn ja wie heisst die folge?

Profil von Strandkorb Strandkorb
Final Season - Season 6 - 20.03.2010, 10:03:27nach oben

3300 Posts: Leader

Es wird in einer Folge gezeigt wer das DonkeyWheel gebaut hat, bzw wird vielleicht auch nur gesagt wer es war. Siehe ber4s Post, kurz hier drüber. Ich könnte mir vorstellen, dass gleich mit erklären, wer den Tempel, Statue oder Lighthouse gebaut hat.
Die Episode wo das sicherlich vorkommt ist 6.09. Eventuell aber auch erst in späteren Episoden. Aber very very likely in der 609er

Profil von b3rt4 b3rt4
Final Season - Season 6 - 20.03.2010, 11:25:54nach oben
Homepage von b3rt4LiveJournal
595 Posts: Button Pusher

Zumindest werden wir sehen, wie die Statue zerstoert wird.



Profil von b3rt4 b3rt4
Final Season - Season 6 - 03.04.2010, 13:51:29nach oben
Homepage von b3rt4LiveJournal
595 Posts: Button Pusher

Davids Mutter:




Profil von Strandkorb Strandkorb
Final Season - Season 6 - 03.04.2010, 20:04:04nach oben

3300 Posts: Leader

Man, das hätte sicher niemand gedacht. Bei der großen Auswahl die bestand

Profil von Strandkorb Strandkorb
Final Season - Season 6 - 06.04.2010, 18:23:48nach oben

3300 Posts: Leader

The Season Finale will have a couple of 50 year old "Hippies" called Glen and Hector

Read more: http://spoilerslost.blogspot.com/#ixzz0kL0OSGEB


Ich hoffe, dass Lost nicht nur in den DeGroot-Hirnen an nem Lagerfeuer enstanden ist

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