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Vozzeks Reviews auf Darkufo - 18.05.2007, 11:00:39nach oben


Also der Typ hats einfach drauf, auch wenn man seine Theorien nicht leiden muss dann freue ich mich Freitag morgen immer fast so stark auf sein Review wie Donnerstag morgends auf die Folge selber.


I thought the conversation between Naomi and Charlie was a funny jab at LOST's careful balance of secrecy and revelation. When she asks about the upcoming war, Charlie answers her: "That's a long story. Wanna ask me something else?" How very, very Otherish of him. Yet to us, the viewers who have been following this war for three seasons now, it makes perfect sense. Naomi's question is almost annoying. It would take a long, long time for Charlie to fully answer it. But to her, having been on the island for such a short time, it's completely relevant.

This scene is a reflection of all the times we've watched the 815'ers asking all the right questions and then getting vague, useless answers. Naomi's frustration is our frustration. As Charlie says in the opening scene, "Why does everything have to be such a secret?" Well, now we get a little glimpse into that.

Link: http://darkufo.blogspot.com/2007/05/things-i-noticed-greatest-hits-by.html

Profil von Strandkorb Strandkorb
Vozzeks Reviews auf Darkufo - 18.05.2007, 13:37:16nach oben

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Sowas ähnliches hatte ich mir auch bei der Szene gedacht. Endlich sind wir mal auf der Seite, die die Antworten kennt und sie verschweigt!


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