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ABC-Folgen & -Diskussionen > The Lost Experience Act 2LOST-fans.de Forum - The Lost Experience Act 2

In diesem Thread befinden sich 53 Posts. Er wurde 12878 mal gelesen.
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The Lost Experience Act 2 - 27.06.2006, 09:22:51nach oben


Da die Hanso Seite seit einigen Tagen gehackt wurde bzw. offline ist und auch in diversen Pages vom Ende des ersten Actes die Rede ist, denke ich, dass der Zeitpunkt gekommen ist, dass ich hier einen neuen Thread eröffne. Einen Thread, der mit allen Infos zu The Lost Experience Act 2 gefüllt werden kann.

Dazu einige wichtige und interessante Pages:

--> wurde soeben neuer Post "Copenhangen 06" geschrieben

--> neu ist nicht nur 108°, sondern auch 216° und 252° verlinkt

--> neuer Link beim Ordner TRASH

--> neuer Post "If you don't get it you don't get it."

http://richerdeeperbroader.com/ mit dem Verweis auf http://broadbandstories.com/
--> Wurde von Rachel Blake gehackt (siehe Motorrad)

--> diese Seite wurde auch von Rachel Blake gehackt... (siehe INTERIOR, dann IN BACK, dann REMOVLABLE FLASHLIGHTS, dann auf die DEMO)

http://www.sublymonal.com/ und http://www.sublymonal.com/_hidden/
--> hier lohnt es sich, auch immer wieder mal ein Auge drauf zu werfen...

The Lost Experience Act 2 - 27.06.2006, 18:06:11nach oben


Original von halux
--> neu ist nicht nur 108°, sondern auch 216° und 252° verlinkt

Wie lauten die Passwörter?

Original von halux
--> neuer Post "If you don't get it you don't get it."

http://richerdeeperbroader.com/ mit dem Verweis auf http://broadbandstories.com/
--> Wurde von Rachel Blake gehackt (siehe Motorrad)

Kannst Du ein bisschen spezifischer werden? Konnte nix finden.

Original von halux
http://www.sublymonal.com/ und http://www.sublymonal.com/_hidden/
--> hier lohnt es sich, auch immer wieder mal ein Auge drauf zu werfen...

Wenn man "obey" eingibt blinkt ein paarmal "code: listen" auf. "Listen" ist das Passwort.
Endlich hab ich mal selbst was rausgefunden .

Gibt man lymon ein gibt es das Passwort "spray".

- Editiert von Twincoop am 27.06.2006, 18:09 -

The Lost Experience Act 2 - 28.06.2006, 07:41:05nach oben



Antwort auf Zitat 1: Passwort ist themouthpiece (geht aber bei mir nicht)

Antwort auf Zitat 2a: Bei der Page retrieversoftruth musst du dort wo man seine Mailadresse für den Newsletter eingeben kann PORTER eingeben, dann gelangst du in eine Art Forum.

Antwort auf Zitat 2b: Bei broadbandstories musst du auf das Bild klicken, wo ein Motorrad zu sehen ist. Es erscheint dann ein Video von Rachel Blake

Antwort auf Zitat 3: Hier sind die Passwörter ja wirklich einfach. Diese werden die ganze Zeit immer und immer wieder kurz eingeblendet. Hier die Passwörter:

-listen & pulse

Was SPRITE mit der ganzen Sache zu tun hat, hat bis anhin noch keiner herausgefunden. Bei Jeep sieht es einwenig anders aus, da Thomas Mittlewerk bei Chrysler&Dymler ein paar Jeeps gekauft hat. Wofür die Hanso Foundation diese Jeeps benötigt, wurde allerdings auch noch nicht erwähnt.

The Lost Experience Act 2 - 28.06.2006, 07:50:02nach oben



Post Copenhagen 07 auf http://stophanso.rachelblake.com/index2.html

Jetzt kommt das VIK Institute in Iceland wieder... (wo ich persönlich auch die beiden Jungs aus der letzten Folge vermute. Schliesslich gibt es auf Iceland auch Schnee und kalt ist es auch )

- Editiert von halux am 28.06.2006, 07:55 -

Profil von Hans Hans
The Lost Experience Act 2 - 28.06.2006, 11:58:08nach oben
Homepage von Hans
23032 Posts: Jacob Loves Me!
Le Protector

Your "friend," Thomas Werner Mittelwerk, has flown to Iceland. He's cleaning up a mess involving one of the mental health institutes sponsored by the Hanso Mental Health Appeal.

Weiß man darüber schon mehr? Was genau hat er verbockt. Ich weiß dass Mittelwerk mächtig Dreck am Stecken hat, aber gibts da schon Details? Bei der Informationsflut blick ich schon wieder nicht durch. Dabei dachte ich vor ner Woche noch, dass ich ziemlich alles nachgeholt hab. Argh.

Auf http://stophanso.rachelblake.com kam bei mir übrigens eine Maske zur Eingabe des Geburtsdatums und darüber sowas wie "Do you really wanna know the whole truth about Hanso" ... ich hab dann mein echtes Geb.datum eingegeben, und kam nur wieder zum Copenhagen-Blog...

The Lost Experience Act 2 - 28.06.2006, 12:23:07nach oben


dasselbe habe ich auch gemacht mit meinem Geburtstag.Aber so wirklich steige ich noch nicht dahinter.Aber ich werd noch was dran arbeiten
Und was ich auchnoch nicht verstehe habe mir nun einige Videos angesehen und Passwörter raus bekommen aber was hat sprite mit Lost zu tun ??? Lemon ???Keine Koffeinhaltigen Getränke auf der Insel???Zucker???? Ich nin noch nicht dahinter gestiegen???

- Editiert von ~*Micha*~ am 28.06.2006, 12:39 -
Also hier einer davon : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhUQsKQgc-M

- Editiert von ~*Micha*~ am 28.06.2006, 12:42 -

The Lost Experience Act 2 - 28.06.2006, 12:31:06nach oben


Original von ~*Micha*~
dasselbe habe ich auch gemacht mit meinem Geburtstag.Aber so wirklich steige ich noch nicht dahinter.Aber ich werd noch was dran arbeiten

Aber ich finde es nach wie vor erstaunlich wo ihr die ganzen Sachen immer her bekommt

Profil von Hans Hans
The Lost Experience Act 2 - 28.06.2006, 12:55:56nach oben
Homepage von Hans
23032 Posts: Jacob Loves Me!
Le Protector

@Micha: Rechts über jedem Post gibt es einen blauten Edit-Button (wie du weißt). Bitte benutz den.

Ich glaube so einen Zusammenhang wird es da nicht geben. Das ist eben Marketing, und Sprite macht mit... naja, vielleicht waren sie auch Hauptlieferant von Hanso, oder

Oh mein Gott

in Sprite ist ein Wirkstoff, durch den die Insel für das menschliche Auge unsichtbar wird.

The Lost Experience Act 2 - 28.06.2006, 13:24:51nach oben


Ich blick da ehrlich gesagt auch nicht durch. Irgendwie laufen mehrere Sachen parallel ab:

1. Peter Thompson kaufte 23 Jeeps. Rachel Blake hat die Seite gehackt...

2. Thomas Mittlewerk fliegt nach Island. Wahrscheinlich trifft er sich dort mit Doktor Armand Zander vom VIK Institut. (Vielleicht befinden sich auch die 2 portugisisch sprechenden Forscher dort...). Siehe -> http://stophanso.rachelblake.com/img/fire/mentalhealth_2.jpg

3. Mittelwerk trifft sich zuvor in Kopenhagen mit einem Koreaner namens Minsu (vielleicht ein Anagramm? ). Es geht um Geld und um ein Schiff (es muss ein spezielles Schiff sein, denn es kann nicht überall anlegen)...

4. dann haben wir PERSEPHONE, welche anscheinend doch nicht Rachel Blake sein soll...

5. die Sache mit Sprite -> wobei ich hier mit Harry einig gehe -> only marketing!

6. andere gehackte Seiten von Rachel, wie z.B. broadbandstories.com

Wie soll man da blos den Überblick behalten? Es gibt ja einige Pages, wo alles säuberlich aufgeschrieben ist. Doch ich blick immer noch nicht durch. Liegt wohl auch an meinen schlechten Englischkenntnissen...

The Lost Experience Act 2 - 28.06.2006, 13:44:23nach oben


Gleich noch eine Neuigkeit zu Savejoop. Ihr wisst ja, die Seite wo man für Joop unterschreiben konnte. Diese Page sieht nun anders aus:

Savejoop.com Update: When we tried to visit one of our favorite sites today, we instead saw an announcement that they had reached 10,800 signatures and a message stating that for reason they could not disclose, savejoop.com had to be shutdown. But they gave a link to myspace.com/randomempire a MySpace account , where they supplied us with a better explanation that "some people did not find it too funny" and gave a link to sitonamonkey.com who was "keeping the cause alive".

Find the post titled "108" and read through the comments. Early on "savejoop" tells that, after reaching their mark and trying to contact Hanso, they started getting ALOT of heat for it and were trying to find a way to show us the documentation. THEN they provided this link box.net/public/m0f2z0astl , asking for a passwords. The passwords were found to be DI 9FFTR731. This gives us a letter from Peter Thompson and an image of a restraining order against them from Hanso, respectively. Looks like THF means business!

Profil von Strandkorb Strandkorb
The Lost Experience Act 2 - 28.06.2006, 14:49:56nach oben

3300 Posts: Leader

Haben die nicht mal gemeint, die roten Früchte, die Goodwin mit AnaL verspeist, werden noch ne Bedeutung haben? Vielleicht sind sie ja Hauptbestandteil davon ...

übrigens Halux, ich bin Dir sehr dankbar, dass du soviel Zeit investierst für das ganze. Ich blicke zwar sehr sehr wenig durch und habe auch wenig Lust mir die vielen Seiten so Haargenau auf alle Hints anzuschauen, interessiert bin ich aber doch sehr!

The Lost Experience Act 2 - 29.06.2006, 13:23:41nach oben


Rachel Blake ist nun in Island angekommen. Auf ihrer Page schreibt sie folgendes:
Well, looks like you guys kept yourself busy while I was en route to Iceland - a couple of you had the most interesting conversation following yesterday's post. Check it out:

UdonPaul331: I think Rachel is correct about Vigi Benoffski. I am from his home city, Kolobrzeg, in Poland. He teaches at the local University, and I happened to find this memo in my professor’s office:


Roughly translated, this says Benoffski was to appear at a mathematics symposium in Perth, Australia... I checked the dates - they overlap with the SAME DATE he died in that fire in Iceland. How is that possible?

KemicalRXN654321: It's not. Benoffski must have been lying.

UdonPaul331: So, you think the memo was a cover? For what, though? I guess if you think about it... the letter was typed. Anybody could have written it.

KemicalRXN654321: I wouldn't say just anybody.

Rachel: Well, there you have it. I knew there was more to this.

[bearbeiten]19.40 Update
Anyway, Iceland.

This place is gorgeous. Can't help but wish I were here under different circumstances. Course, if Mittelwerk knew I was here because of him, bet he'd say the same thing.

I'm staying in Reykjavik, the capital. Today, I drove down to Vik, at the southern tip of the island, and headed over to the Vik Academy. The local police were there, as well as some reporters... and, of course, who did I see walking the grounds with the Vik Institute's director, Armand Zander?

GidgetGirl had it right. Thomas Werner Mittelwerk is here. And he's brought a few of his goons. (Think one of them's my iron victim?)

Waiting was tough, but once Mittelwerk left, I managed to convince Armand Zander to meet me at a local restaurant for a chat. Yeah, I may have bent the truth a tiny bit about who I am. But, you won't believe the stuff I found out.

Now, before you find and watch the VIDEO buried somewhere on the web, you'd better go ahead and refresh your memory of Zander's LETTER to Mittelwerk...

Because that letter is how I got Zander to talk.

Yeah. I know.

I'm sure you're right there with me in wondering... What have I gotten myself into?

Does anyone else feel like we've just taken a sharp ninety-degree turn?

I don't know what I was expecting, but I guess I was anticipating the words "ship" or "map" or "island" - or geez, ALVAR HANSO - to factor into what's happened at the Vik Institute.

Definitely not an enclave of world-renowned mathematicians.

I've emailed Zander - he seemed pretty spooked at the restaurant, but maybe he'll come around and give us something more to go on.

In the meantime, hit me with your comments. If you have even a CLUE as to why Mittelwerk would have these mathematicians hiding in a mental hospital, running some arcane equation through the brains of a bunch of autistic savants, post about it. And while you're at it - take a stab at the hieroglyphics.

Good hunting.

Das erwähnte Vido wurde auf der Seite garytroupbooks.com gefunden. In der Zwischenzeit ist es wieder weg. Aber es gibt ja findige Lostfans: http://www.levdesigns.net/Video/WEEK2POST3.wmv

Hier das ganze Interview mit Armand Zander noch in schriftlicher Form:

Z: We are, of course, very strict about enforcing visiting hours, but (he laughs) mistakes do happen—

R: I know that's the story you practiced, and it's convincing, but I'm not from the Times, Doctor.

Z: I, uh... Who are you?

R: Just a concerned citizen--

Z: No, you have 3 seconds to come clean before I walk out.

(R is silent, Zander begins to get up but R grabs his hand.)

R: I -read- your letter.

Z: (scoff) What letter?

R: The one to Mittlewerk, about the savants, the forced memory tests, the THIRD BASEMENT? They lied to you, they're lying to everyone, they don't want the world to know that Vigi Benoffski was at your institute, WHY?

Z: I can't talk to you—

R: Listen: I might not be from the Times, but if you walk out that door, the people knocking at your door tomorrow, they -will- be!

Z: I... I didn't know what I was getting into when I took this job.

R: And what are you getting into?

Z: You... (The waitress comes to refill their waters, R and Z look at each other nervously, she leaves and Z continues) You read my letter. The third basement, Miss Blake, it's not full of mental patients! They are mathe--(the tape skips here) mathematicians! Pulled from the world's finest, paid to come in, undercover, and work in secret, only I'm sure some of them don't want to be there. ... I don't know... they work day and night on this equation. And there's the savants.

R: What about them?

Z: These are autistic savants, Miss Blake, their computational powers are unsurpassed! They keep them in this room—it's comfortable, I've seen to that, first and foremost I am a doctor—but all day, they are running this equation over and over, over...

R: What kind of equation is this?

Z: It's like nothing I've seen. There are these... symbols. I asked one of the mathematicians, and he said they were representantational.

R: Representational of what?

Z: I've always thought they looked like... egyptian hieroglyphics. There are 5, maybe six of them in there, and, it's a vulture, a staff, a—

R: (grabs Z's hand) You -need- to show me them.

Z: (pulls his hand away) I've answered your questions, Miss Blake, now answer mine—(he grabs at her, she pulls away) Who are you? Why are you doing this?

R: The answer to that is the reason that I can't tell you. Trust me, you're safer not knowing. Dr. Zander, while you still have a chance, GET AWAY FROM THEM.

Z: (scoffs) There is no getting away from them... Haven't you realized that yet?

Danach hat Rachel in ihren Comments einen post gemacht. Ich bin mir nicht sicher ob es vielleicht ein fake ist:

Everyone... it's Rachel. The Hanso Foundation sent some goons to my hotel room and they stole my laptop. I can only assume they have hacked my blog, so I signed up for a new one. http://rachelblake0.blogspot.com/ Check it out. Thanks for understanding. ~Rachel

In ihrem Blog steht folgendes:
First, I'm going to start off by saying that the reason I had to change blogs was because the Hanso Foundation stole my laptop. I came back from the Vik Institute and my laptop was gone! I have to assume the Hanso Foundation knows what I've been doing, and they know I've been getting word out, so I decided that perhaps I should switch blogger usernames just to be safe. With any luck, it'll take them quite some time to find this blog.

I'm lucky to be alive, I guess. I know I should be grateful for that, but I still can't believe I didn't do something while I was there.

You'll never believe where I've been. I've gone into the third sub-basement! I snuck in while the security guards changed shifts, and you're not going to believe what I saw. The mathematicians Zander mentioned were standing in front of a huge blackboard. Like Zander said, there was a long equation written out on the board, with strange symbols in it.

Well, see for yourself. I used a pen camera around the edge of the stairway, and I've hidden the shocking VIDEO somewhere on the web.

I hope you find it before the Hanso Foundation does.

Pray for me.

Good luck, and leave comments on the equation. Any mathematicians out there who recognize it? Anyone? Help?

Re: The Blog Change
I've been reading my comments to make sure people know about my new blog, and most of the feedback is good. Raechel, ms o, thanks for your support. But the rest of you...

Yeah, I suppose you guys are right. I could have just changed the password. Except I freaked. I went and bought a new laptop when I realized my old one was missing, and created a new blog right away, so in case my old blog was compromised, I'd have a place to post my videos. And get this... I can't log into my old one anymore. THF changed the password on me! That's it. The old one is done. This is the new place now. And Raechel, sorry, I can't give any hints for the second Iceland video. If I posted hints on here, anyone could find them. I can just say... remember, a porter is man's best friend.

Beim Wort video wird auf die Seite http://retrieversoftruth.com/ gelinkt. Mach mich gleich auf die Suche...

Ich kann dieses Video nirgends ausfindig machen. Vielleicht wird es erst morgen freigeschaltet. Müsste dann eigentlich "Iceland Post 02" sein...

- Editiert von halux am 29.06.2006, 13:48 -

The Lost Experience Act 2 - 30.06.2006, 08:36:55nach oben


Nun ist er da "ICELAND POST 02" :
Ladies and Gentlemen. A few words before I start:

1) The creep who BROKE into my room? Not dead. I hit him with the FLAT part of a pretty lightweight iron, guys. Not to mention, I DID check the newspapers.

2) Your comments? Most of them are FANTASTIC… but a few of you really like to go for the knees. Come on, haters… If you ever have the pleasure of trying to take down an insidious international corporation for yourselves one day, I think you might find yourself making a mistake or two as well. Cut a girl some slack.

That said, it looks like we’re all arriving on the same page. OF COURSE, I’ve had my suspicions about this Valenzetti equation… but, I guess I didn’t want to come off like one of those sandwich-board wearing lunatics pointing skyward in the middle of Times Square.

Well, no more. The end is near!!

Er…maybe. Let’s take a step back.

Fact is, though he seems to know what he’s talking about, the author Gary Troup didn’t know what was happening at the VIK INSTITUTE. We have to be careful. Sure, he mentions Alvar Hanso, sure he has some interesting things to say about Valenzetti’s Equation – which is WHY I hid the video on that site – but, that interview can’t provide us with conclusive EVIDENCE that Mittelwerk is using the Valenzetti Equation (or even has it!). Without the Valenzetti Equation book itself to fill in the details, we have to take Troup’s interview for what it is: just a good jumping-off point.

Now, as many of you know, the Gary Troup site crashed yesterday. The video is no longer viewable there. Whether the site crashed because of a bandwidth overload or whether the Hanso Squad slipped it a mickey, I can only be thankful that some of you guys (wish I had a name for you…DJ Dan has the ConspiraSpies, who are YOU? I’m taking suggestions…) posted my Zander video up on YOUTUBE. Go there now if you haven’t seen it.

You watch it? Good. But, be mindful: there is NO PROOF right now that this equation Zander mentioned IS the Valenzetti Equation or that the Valenzetti Equation has anything to do with Egyptian hieroglyphs. I’m not saying it’s NOT, but we shouldn’t shut our eyes so quickly to other possibilities.

Now, on the topic of those glyphs... Looks like all this is getting to Armand Zander, too.

He emailed me back this morning. The message was short and to the point. It simply contained this image:

Familiar? Some of you hit it right on the head… the glyphs are just like that savant memory test. And, if according to some, when taken together, the hieroglyphs do mean “Die,” then the creep-factor has just risen a few hundred points.

But, what do we think? Is it as simple as that? Should we, in fact, be looking at the glyphs one by one? Is that the answer? What if we rearrange them? What have we GOT here???

I’ll be back in a bit… want to see if Zander has anything more to say about this…

20.07: Something’s wrong.

I’ve been trying to email Armand Zander to see if any of this makes any sense to him, but for some reason, all my messages are getting bounced back. A computer-generated response keeps telling me his account, which worked fine yesterday, doesn’t exist.

And he’s not answering his phone.

Have they gotten to him?

Is this the Valenzetti Equation or something else? Would they really get rid of someone to protect it?

Am I next?

Saying a prayer for Zander…

Was ich nun echt cool an diesem 2. Act von The Lost Experience finde ist die Tatsache, dass die Verbindung zu Lost nun einwenig näher gekommen ist. Die "glyphs" kenne wir ja alle...

The Lost Experience Act 2 - 30.06.2006, 14:05:04nach oben


Aufgepasst Leute. Die Seite http://retrieversoftruth.com wird immer wieder updatet. Das Passwort PORTER funktioniert auch nicht mehr. Als ich dann meine Mailadresse nochmals eingegeben habe, kam ein total anderer Newsletter! Darin versteckte sich dann das neue Passwort POLAR BEAR. Was jedoch noch viel interessanter ist, dass es a) irgendwo auf dieser Seite das 2. Video von Rachel Island-Besuch geben muss und b) die Post von Fiberoptician.

Fiberoptician 7:59am
OK B's and G's. I got in early today and got a HUGE surprise. Something so special and cool and secret and... ok I'll stop. So I found this thing from YKW.... And it's good. I feel like Luke cleaning R2 and BAM!!!! - "Help me Fiber Op, you're my only hope." I'm expecting one of those crazy needle-wielding droids to come floating in here at any moment. Could this post scream - GEEK! - any louder? So we've already got something brewing in the pots for y'all today and I can't get this to you guys all at once and all on my lonesome so let me contact some folks and I'll get back to you.

Fiberoptician 8:12am
I'm reaching out but I wanna make sure we're all on the same page. Here's where you all should be right now. You have four words. Today you can pick up two more hints for the hint hunt (I love saying that it sounds funny and dirty) for a total of... say it with me children, "six!" Wait, I gotta message... I'll be right back.

Fiberoptician 8:27pm
And we're back! You know what? Espionagin' ain't easy. Ok so today some things will happen. I can't tell you what right now but you'll know when they do because you'll be stuck. What do you do when you're stuck? Go back to the beginning and start the process again. I spoke to this doctor friend of mine and he's agreed to help me the only way he can. A short PS with a WORD that will lead you to the first part of my special super secret thing-ama-whatsit. Parts two and three... humm.. I'll be back.

Fiberoptician 9:40pm
Ok here you go. Tomorrow aka Friday, The Drake... everybody loves The Drake, will clue you into something he's been working on. There will be something in there for the hint hunt...hehehehe... sorry, and there will be a WORD in there somewhere for part two of my sweetness. Then... oh wait....

Fiberoptician 9:50am
Then... sorry... on Saturday I will personally... not in person... give you the final WORD that will give you the final piece of my super excellent secret spy stuff goodness. Oh but I gotta tell you how to use these WORDS... yeah right... so I'm setting this up now. One sec...

Fiberoptician 11:05pm
This is how it's gonna work. When you get a WORD, like the one today, Go immediately to http://richerdeeperbroader.com/, and in the address field type in the WORD right after the / and quicker than Vader can choke a flunky you gets the goodies.

Fiberoptician 11:05pm
And may the fiber be with you.

Also, 4 Wörter sind zu suchen und zu finden...

- Editiert von halux am 30.06.2006, 14:07 -

The Lost Experience Act 2 - 03.07.2006, 07:46:44nach oben


Hallo Leute. Da ich das ganze Wochenende an der Sonne lag und nicht ein einziges Mal den PC eingeschaltet habe, muss ich zuerst alle Informationen ein bischen ordnen, welche sich in diesen 2 Tagen ergeben haben. Ein paar Informationen kann ich aber jetzt schon geben:

- Rachel hat es nun endlich zugegeben, dass sie Persephone ist!!!

- Mittelwerk befindet sich nicht mehr auf Island, sondern in SanRemo/Italien. In SanRemo wurde Enzo Valenzetti geboren. Was für ein Zufall, nicht wahr?

- Armand Zander ist seit dem Interview mit Rachel Blake spurlos verschwunden...

- DJ Dan muss man unbedingt im Auge behalten. Es gibt wieder einen neuen Podcast. Ich habe ihn mir aber noch nicht angehört.

Dieser Podcast - eigentlich ist es ja mehr eine Radiomoderation - beinhaltet das Thema über die mathematische Wettervorhersage. Auch auf der Retrieversoftruth-Seite wurde der Link auf die MP3 gepostet. http://www.retrieversoftruth.com/users/BroadBandBeatnik/htdocs/audio/MathematicalForecasting.mp3

Die versteckten Wörter wurden gefunden. Ich dachte immer, es sind blos 4. Muss ich wohl was falsch verstanden haben. Hier die Wörter und deren Erklärunge, bzw. wo oder warum sie gefunden worden sind:

WELCOME - ROT backsite chat "If you don't get it you don't get it. - 06/26/06", talked about "first word of first song from Caberet"

YOUR - DSLerator over private AIM conversations gave out the clue "Here’s your next hint: 25 15 21 18" (translates to "y-o-u-r" )

NEXT - Answer to Mandrake Wig MySpace blog "Jeopardy" question #3 "To which Ralph replied, chicken necks." (1/2 he didn't know the answers to)

VIDEO - Answer to Mandrake Wig MySpace blog "Jeopardy" question #4 "Not a friend to the radio star." (2/2 he didn't know the answers to)

NEEDS - In Mandrake email newsletter #2 - "Maslow's hierarchy" (1/2 things dog asked Wally to ponder)

YOUR - In Mandrake email newsletter #2 - "Keep who's eye on the prize" (2/2 things dog asked Wally to ponder)

EXPERIENCES - Caption of Mandrake Flickr album photo "Bole pie" is "Direct observation or participation"--exact word-for-word definition of "Experiences" according to Webster's dictionary

CHECK - ROT backsite chat "The clue's the thing. - 07/01/06", talked about a waitress bringing a clue, THE END

TOMORROW - iobiSeeingYou confirmed the last clueword over chat today. She said the clue was "Rob Morrow's daughter"--this happens to be "Tu Morrow". TOMORROW was already guessed to be the last word in the string on Friday by a member of the TLEC blog, which brings us to the end of the word string

Dies alles aneinander gefügt, ergibt folgenden Link:

Es öffnet sich dann ein Pop-up-Fenster. Loginname und Passwort sind allerdings noch nicht bekannt.

Was mich nebenbei auch sehr interessiert ist dieser komische Typ. Er heisst Mandrake "Manny" Wig und ist auf der "Hunde"-Seite zu sehen. Es gibt von ihm mehrere Fotos. Auf allen sieht er total scheisse aus bzw. ich vermute ja, dass er mit einer Software verändert wurde. Die Haare, der Mund, die Augen und die Brille sieht einfach sehr strange aus. So hässlich kann doch keiner in Wirklichkeit sein...
Schaut euch mal diese Fotos an auf http://www.flickr.com/photos/mandrakewig/ und auf http://www.myspace.com/mandrakewig

- Editiert von halux am 03.07.2006, 07:56 -

- Editiert von halux am 03.07.2006, 08:01 -

- Editiert von halux am 03.07.2006, 08:03 -

- Editiert von halux am 03.07.2006, 10:51 -

The Lost Experience Act 2 - 03.07.2006, 13:50:25nach oben


Rachel Blake ist nun in Sanremo angekommen. Sanremo wird auch Blumenstadt genannt und liegt an der italienischen Riviera (auch Blumenküste genannt = riviera dei fiori) gleich vor der Grenze zu Frankreich. Hier soll nun Enzo Valenzetti geboren sein. Hier ihr Reisetagebuch aus rachelblake.com :

Sanremo, Italian Riviera

The Italian Riviera. Sanremo to be exact, right on the Mediterranean. It’s known as the City of Flowers, and I think I might just stay here forever, strolling the palm-lined streets, picking olives from the hills… Okay, I may take a trip to Florence to check out the Palazzo Medici. But then it’s right back to the Riviera. Maybe Portofino or Lerici. Just think of every romantic feeling you’ve ever had and then draw a coastline. You’ll probably get the Italian Riviera.

I’m not here so much for the sites as a state of being. That state being full of incredible food and wine. For those of you who don’t know, Northern Italian cuisine differs greatly from the kind you are used to – you know, a jar of sauce and a handful of dried spaghetti. It’s mostly seafood here, and I can’t get enough of the Pesto Genovese.

I may hop on one of the charter tour boats today or tomorrow (I know, I know, but I AM a tourist) to check out the coastline from the sea. Fact is, I know myself too well. I’m going to have to keep myself busy, even though that may be a somewhat anti-Italian Riviera mode of thinking!

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The Lost Experience Act 2 - 03.07.2006, 13:52:03nach oben
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@Halux: Ich will dir nur danke sagen Ich verfolge das hier nämlich mit Interesse und dank dir muss ich mich nicht selber bemühen Also danke für die Updates!

The Lost Experience Act 2 - 04.07.2006, 09:24:50nach oben


Der erste Italienpost "Italy 01" ist nun erschienen. Rachel hat wieder ein Video gemacht und ratet mal, wo sie es hinverlegt hat? Genau, auf die bereits vorher erwähnte Adresse, welche ein Pop-up Fenster öffnet und ein Login und ein Passwort verlangt. Hier nochmals die Adresse:


Das Login: rblake
Das Passwort: allveggie

Seems to me, Mittelwerk's wised up to the ways of the Global Welfare Consortium. Rather than have things get ugly like LAST TIME , he's putting them in his pocket before The Hanso Foundation bares its teeth.

Which tells me - whatever is about to happen is ABOUT TO HAPPEN. Is it this SPIDER PROTOCOL we've all read about in Mittelwerk's email - I've taken out the gibberish, feel free to reassemble the ORIGINAL for yourselves if you need to see it in black and white, or, RGB, as it turns out:

Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2006 20:53:06 -0500
Subject: SP site

Team -

After careful scrutiny of the census figures, geological reports, customs inquiries and geographical surveys prepared by yourselves and the experts at the CCS, the Core Group has deemed, regretfully, that sites alpha (4888), beta (1060), and delta (10120) remain unsuitable for carrying out the SPIDER PROTOCOL - even taking into consideration the recommended parametric recalibrations.

Despite my initial, and continued, reticence, it seems that fate has dealt its card. We have no choice but to fall back to the original island target. While THF has not utilized the site for some time, its unique properties render it more than adequate for our purposes at this particular juncture.



First off, my thanks to the tireless efforts of the guys and gals at Retrievers of Truth for posting that thing in its various parts...

I'll only say this: if you think I was the one who hacked that thing out of The Hanso Foundation's email system, you've got another thing coming. Since the shutdown of the website, it's been nearly IMPOSSIBLE to access their servers. It was an anonymous INSIDER who first snagged that letter.

Whoever you are, thank you. (Was it you, GidgetGirl?)

Now, what does this mean? Could the tide be turning?

From the email, we know Mittelwerk has his eyes set on a single "island target" - a location that probably rules out the Great Lakes or the regions depicted on those other maps my camera captured. But, as far as I can tell, it wouldn't rule out the map I saw of that island near the equator...

But, what is this SPIDER PROTOCOL? Doesn't exactly sound like the work of a worldwide philanthropic organization, does it? Is it related to what was happening at the Vik Institute? Does it involve Enzo Valenzetti? What do you guys think?

I just... I don't know if I can wait for Mittelwerk to lead us to Valenzetti. If he's really involved, if he's really alive, as I suspect, getting to him first could mean the difference between winning and losing this thing.

Friends, I leave it to you... dig up anything and everything you can on Enzo Valenzetti - his life, his work, his "death" - and post away...

05.54 Just checked in on all your comments... looks like we're already overflowing with information on Enzo Valenzetti. But -- once again, this doesn't quite add up. I know a lot of you have been saying it for a while, that Valenzetti was born in Sardinia, that I should be heading to Sardinia...

And with this new information that's come out today from this VALENZETTI EQUATION site (seems official, doesn't it?), it would appear, on the surface of things, that you guys have been right. That Valenzetti WAS born in Sardinia. And I wonder... if that's true, is there any reason to believe he didn't return to Sardinia after his tenure at Princeton?

And, yet, here I am in Sanremo.

Now, GidgetGirl's been right before. I've had reason to trust her. She says Sanremo is the place. But... like I said in my video, nothing's going on. Mittelwerk hasn't even mentioned Valenzetti's name yet, let alone gone to look for him. Is Valenzetti alive? Is he even here? Am I missing my window to find the old man myself?

GidgetGirl, please tell me you haven't steered me wrong.

Und hier gleich noch das Gespräch zwischen Rachel und GidgetGirl:

Fine. I've seen The Hanso Foundation's dossier on Enzo Valenzetti. The details of his life were all there in black and white. The documents say he was born here and returned here. That's all I know. Now, if you still feel yourself needing to believe you'll find the truth in the pages of some out of print book by a dead pop-novelist, be my guest, Rachel. This is your crusade, not mine.

posted by GidgetGirl @ 6:23 AM 30 comments

I NEED to know.
posted by Rachel Blake @ 6:15 AM 4 comments

I hope you realize what you're asking of me.
posted by GidgetGirl @ 6:12 AM 3 comments

Why did you tell me Sanremo?
posted by Rachel Blake @ 6:12 AM 1 comments

And you didn't answer mine. Is Mittelwerk not here? If you're not going to trust me, Rachel, you'd better at least trust yourself. Your own words: "whatever is about to happen is ABOUT TO HAPPEN."
posted by GidgetGirl @ 6:12 AM 3 comments

You didn't answer my question.
posted by Rachel Blake @ 6:11 AM 1 comments

Why would I steer you wrong? Does that make any sense, that I would lead you part way toward the truth only to spin you around a few days later?
posted by GidgetGirl @ 6:09 AM 1 comments

Of course we should. But, what about YOUR information?
posted by Rachel Blake @ 6:08 AM 2 comments

Rachel, I know it's confusing. And I've read what everyone else has been saying, as well. But... if there was a gag order on Valenzetti's personal information, if he himself didn't want the details released, can we really believe anything this author may have seemingly uncovered? Should we not approach this information with a leery eye?
posted by GidgetGirl @ 6:06 AM

The Lost Experience Act 2 - 04.07.2006, 15:15:53nach oben


Das hab ich doch total übersehen. Enzo Valenzetti wurde nicht in Sanremo geboren, sondern in Sardinien. Ich hätte es merken sollen, denn ich habe es erst vor kurzem irgendwo gelesen...

Nun aber etwas anderes, das ich auch erst jetzt gemerkt habe, obwohl Rachel es noch in ihrem Text erwähnt hat. Es gibt eine neue Seite zu Enzo Valenzetti:


Ich muss mich aber erst einmal durch die Seiten "bohren", bevor ich hier weitere Infos posten kann. Bis dann...

...hier bin ich wieder!

Auf der Homepage steht nun geschrieben, dass Valenzetti auf mysteriöse Weise gestorben sei. Etwas später steht dann, dass er bei einem Flugzeugabsturz (in einem Einmannflugzeug) ums Leben kam. Des weiteren wird erklärt, dass die Velenzetti Equation sich sehr mit der Drake Gleichung ähnelt. Von dieser Drake-Gleichung ist irgendwo in diesem Forum auch ein Post. Der Kreis schliesst sich also langsam. Seine Formel soll nun also das Armageddon der Erde berechnen können. Und zwar das exakte Datum. (An dieser Stelle kommt mir ironischer Weise gleich Uriella in den Sinn, die nicht weit weg von meinem Wohnort ihr Häuschen hat und wenn sie nicht gerade in Deutschland weilt bei ihren Fiat Lux Anhängern, dann wird sie wohl immer noch ihr Wunderwässerchen in ihrer Badewanne quirlen) Komischer Weise wurde diese Formel nie gefunden...

- Editiert von halux am 04.07.2006, 15:33 -

The Lost Experience Act 2 - 05.07.2006, 07:38:19nach oben


Ein paar Dinge vorweg:
1. Auf der Velenzettipage steht, dass Gary Troup am 24.09.2004 abgestürzt ist. Wir wissen aber alle, dass es zwei Tage früher war. Ein Fehler? Ein Hinweis?
2. GidgetGirl behauptet, dass sie Einblick in Dokumente hatte, welche besagen, dass Velenzetti doch in Sanremo geboren (so ungefähr im Jahre 1920) sein soll. Weshalb glaubt Rachel Blake, dass Valenzetti immer noch lebt? Er ist a) gemäss der Page von Valenzetti Equation mit einem Kleinflugzeug ums Leben gekommen und b) wäre der Herr nun schon ca. 86 Jahre alt.
3. Dieses SPIDER PROTOCOL ist leider noch nicht aufgetaucht.
4. Heute soll ein weiterer Podcast von DJDAN freigeschaltet werden.

Hier nun aber Rachels zweiter Post "ITALY POST 02":

Yeah, I'm still here in Sanremo. I guess, sometimes, it takes a leap of faith.
Now, then.
The problem with directional mics, as some of you may know, is that wind, say the breeze coming off the Mediterranean, will often wreck the quality of what you're trying to record. Now, if you're shooting a movie, you put that microphone as close as you can to your actors and wait for the wind to die down between "takes."

But if you're recording a bunch of corrupt executives on the beach in Sanremo - from FAR AWAY - sometimes you just have to cross your fingers and hope for the best.
And sometimes, you get it.

Check out this CONVERSATION I recorded between Mittelwerk and a couple of his cronies. It raises new questions - yeah, I'm getting frustrated too - but it also answers a few. Even if we're not in the RIGHT place, it seems like we just might be heading there.


19.09: Is it just me, or did you detect a little insurrection in the ranks? Guess management courses aren't required to get your evil medical degree.

So, there you have it. Confirmation. Our suspicions were right. Those savants were running the Valenzetti Equation (or an attempted facsimile)!!

If, like me, your brief moment of elation has turned into dread, then you, too, realize how serious this is. True Valenzetti Equation or false, Mittelwerk is dipping his hands in a stream that leads to apocalypse.

But, what's next... is it this SPIDER PROTOCOL? If so, I'm afraid the wheels are already in motion.

Where is ALVAR HANSO in this??? Mittelwerk claims to have Hanso's proxy, but I agree with Peter Thompson.

A Hanso appearance would answer a lot of my questions.

But I don't think that's gonna happen unless we make it happen. How? I don't know.

I realize that seems to be my stock answer right now... and, I won't lie... with each passing day, my hopes are dwindling that this thing's gonna come out on the side of right.

But, I'm not outta hope yet. Valenzetti, the veracity of Mittelwerk's equation, they still seem to be a wrench in the good doc's gears.

Unfortunately the man's fate is still unknown. I've talked to a lot of people - there is no definitive account of his alleged death...

But then again, there's also no evidence he's alive. It's a dangerous gamble, but I may have to follow Mittelwerk's lead after all.

GidgetGirl, I know we may be on the outs - but, for the sake of everyone, do you have anything else I can use?

Ich war gerade auf der von Rachel angekündigten Seite "LOST NINJA", eine Seite für die Australischen Lostfans. Ich kenne sie schon seit längerem. Oft ist Lost Ninja schneller als der "SPEAKER" auf der ABC-Page.
Dummerweise habe ich aber nichts Neues gefunden. Ich muss wohl abwarten, bis es jemand anderer es in einem Forum postet oder es in der Lostpedia steht.

Nebenbei: Ich wollte mit dem obenstehenden Passwort von Rachel was anfangen. Irgendwo muss es wahrscheinlich ein neues Pop-up-Fenster geben wo man ihr Login und ihr neues Passwort eingeben muss. Nur wo sollte dies sein?

Hier zur Erinnerung:

Login: rblake
Passwort: organharvest

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